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Bookmark Cleaning Strategy and Tools

01 🍚
At this time of the year-end, I am preparing for the year-end summary and next year's plans. In this process, I realized that organizing browser bookmarks might be a good way to find inspiration and fill in missing information. I hope that through this organizing process, I can uncover hidden treasures that I overlooked while browsing the web, providing new ideas and insights for my year-end summary. Additionally, I look forward to discovering valuable information that I missed before, providing more comprehensive support and reference for next year's plans. I decided to embark on an organizing action. The entire action is divided into three steps, first, I decided to clean up those dusty and expired web bookmarks.

I opened each webpage link in the bookmarks folder one by one, found links that couldn't open, or the content had changed, and either deleted or archived them. This task seems simple, but the challenge lies in the fact that my bookmarks folder has accumulated over twelve hundred webpage links (now it's up to thirteen hundred...).

As the task progressed, I realized that this task was much more complex than I had imagined. Even if I could verify one page per minute, it would still require a focused effort of up to 20 hours. That is, assuming I dedicate 1 hour each day, it would still take a month to complete the verification. And this is only the first step of organizing, summarizing and planning at this pace would all be delayed.

My bookmarks status

02 🥘
So, I started thinking about lazy solutions. During the search process, I still discovered solutions and tools. Some Chrome extensions can indeed assist in cleaning up, but some require payment, some directly delete (how to determine if it's a mistaken deletion, some links require special network segments, some require a VPN, I want to judge for myself), some don't even have titles, and there is no archiving function found.

Need to upgrade to a premium account

Cannot be recovered

No title explanation
Analyzing the logic of invalid bookmark links, it's actually not complicated, the program just needs to automatically visit all the links in the bookmarks folder one by one, mark unhealthy links according to the standards I set, and that's it.

Processing logic

03 🍻
The development of the extension took some time, but it finally came out. It can automatically batch check my bookmarks and mark out the links that cannot be opened and those with changed content, and then I can quickly filter them. With this extension, I can clean up my bookmarks more intuitively, quickly, and easily.

Extension example screenshot
I immediately started filtering and deleting useless links, after the initial classification by the tool, 226 links were already invalid, saving me nearly four hours at least, greatly saving my time.

After quickly cleaning up the surface dust, the next step is to start the second step of organizing, truly analyzing the bookmarks, categorizing, connecting the dots, and building a network.


I uploaded the source code of the solution to Github, also wrote it as an extension for easy use, if anyone is interested, they can download and play with it, this tool can still be further improved if needed, hope it can help everyone~

🥢 Check for duplicate links, check for empty folders
🥢 Improve checking speed
🥢 Upgrade content change detection rules (can utilize AI for semantic vector judgment)
🥢 Batch delete and archive
Github: https://github.com/IAMSHENSH/g-mark-magic-ext

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